At Seedbox, we are developing tailored, AI-based solutions to significantly improve our client’s businesses.
Boost Business with AI
As your partner we craft custom AI solutions designed for your specific challenges to boost your business.
As your partner we craft custom AI solutions designed for your specific challenges to boost your business.
Crafting human-centric AI for a better tomorrow.
We empower businesses to harness the transformative power of artificial intelligence and position themselves for future success.
From validating ideas to training models and developing the final application we offer collaboration to unlock the full potential of AI for your business. Our expertise covers AI development in-depth, combined with UX/UI design and full stack development.
Our Mission
We empower mid-sized German businesses to harness the transformative power of artificial intelligence. From validating ideas to training models and developing the final application we offer collaboration to unlock the full potential of AI for your business.
Our Expertise
Our expertise covers AI development in-depth, including machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing,  computer vision and generative AI, combined with UX/UI design and full stack development.
We help you discover how AI can benefit your company through strategy workshops and technology assessments. This process enables you to make informed decisions and create a solid plan for using AI to improve your business's efficiency and effectiveness.
From initial concepts to identifying new opportunities, we help find the best possible solution to your challenge. We validate the idea from the aspects of feasibility and effectiveness, viability and desirability to clearly see the benefits of integrating customised AI into your business.
We turn prototypes into seamless, operational products with our comprehensive product expertise, from UX/UI design to front- and back-end development. Our approach extends further, encompassing product strategy, market analysis, and launch execution to ensure successful go-to-market outcomes.
Discover our Services
From initial concept validation, across prototypes to the development of fully operational products
Collaborate, co-create, and innovate: Our partnership approach to AI development
At Seedbox, we believe that the most groundbreaking solutions emerge from partnerships that value open communication, shared vision, and mutual respect. Our approach is built on a foundation of positive interactions, where every project is a journey we embark on together with our partners.
Relationship that drives innovation
At Seedbox, we believe that the most groundbreaking solutions emerge from partnerships that value open communication, shared vision, and mutual respect. Our approach is built on a foundation of positive interactions, where every project is a journey we embark on together with our partners.
Our Approach
Opting for us means you're not just choosing a vendor; you're embracing a dedicated companion in your journey towards growth and success,
Dominik Schütz
Leiter LBBW Innovation Lab
"Seedbox gives us the flexibility we need to test ideas quickly and in a customer-centred way. Their tools are best-in-class and we are always happy to draw on the methodological expertise of their employees. The process that we have established together takes us a long way forward. Thank you, Seedbox!"
Linda Wiese
Teamlead Bauen+Immobilien,
Reguvis Fachmedien GmbH
"Seedbox was a game changer for us: From the first spark of the idea to the market launch, the team has expertly guided us through all phases of idea generation, evaluation, prototyping and product development since the beginning of 2023. Together, we have managed to validate an innovative business model based on AI and will establish it on the market in the next step."
We believe that the most groundbreaking solutions emerge from partnerships